Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's 3rd November.

It has already been 4months since the day you got caught. And today, I got to see you on court. I was very lucky that I can just look at your face for few hours. Your fake smile is not accepted anyway. I can see a tiny lil' river in your eyes. Qusrein, I miss you so much! I sat behind you and I cried, but I hide it from you. I don't want you to be worried. Today, mummy told me thrice. She said once baby came out, she wants to get some money for you so that we both can get married. Bhaha! Xsngka plak mummy syg kt amoy nie. Dye ckp, b gtaw dye b dh xde org laen, ad carmen je. Dh kuar nk jge carmen je. And mummy dh pesan td, pas kuar jgn ad aty pk nk g merayap ngn kwn2 laen, mummy nk b duk umh diam2 je, hny bole kuar ngn AWEK you je oke. Kalo you nkal ag, mummy suh I tggl you trus. Bhaha! Pdn mke b! Ni dh dpt restu dr mama papa b dh. Dorg pn syg kn I yee, so jgn pk pasni bole buli I. Mama suh I jge you, ubh kan you. So kalo xdgr gak tggu je kne sepak lempang sume dr I ye. Jgn lpe awek you spe, bhaha! Anyway, mmg lah happy dpt jmp b td, walaupun pluk xdpt, pgg tgn xdpt. Ckp pn xbpe nk dpt. Hrp2 b oke je lah kt cne. Cmne pn syg ttp tggu smp b kuar. 22bln ag yee. See you next month on court. Me love, you Qusrein.