Tuesday, October 26, 2010

For the rest of my life, I'll never regret for knowing you.

Biar lah ak tggu pun, biar lah ak sorg2 je pun. Ak x pnh nak minx simpati kau. Don't you think it's sweet for a girlf to wait for her boyf. So wtf is your problem boy? You as his sibling doesn't even support him okay. And did I even asked for your money to live when he's not around? Skaty ak lah nk tggu ke pe pun. Dye laki ak bhai, kau ad mslh ngn ktorg ke weyh? Ni nk ckp pdn mke sume tu pehal? Nk kne lempang lah tu kan kan? Nseb lah ak ad abg2 ak yg syg ak :) Kwn2 yg side laen pn bg smgt, bkn cm kau lah setan. DUGAAN DUGAAN! Ak ttp cintakan Kuin, xpnh nyesal knal dye, tggu dye. Ily. *MWAHHHH*